Brandon Dillon's Blog

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Posts Tagged ‘Diabeties’

The American Diabeties Association – Tour De Cure

Posted by Brandon Dillon on April 8, 2013

Please support and donate to the American Diabetes Association, I am doing this ride and raising money for it, if you have a dollar please donate a dollar if you have more, more is always welcome, my personal Goal is $1000.00 dollars between now and June 15th I have started off by donating $52 Dollars. Its very easy just go to my page below and click the donate button, I don’t even have to know who you are it can be anonymous and it is a valid tax write off as well. If you would like to join the ride there is info on my page as well to ride with me on various lengths of cycles and mountain bikes. Any questions please feel free to contact me. Thank you for your support

Click the link below for info on how to ride and to donate and other great information.

My Great Uncle William McGrath lived with Diabetes for about half his life, until he died last December, I saw how his life was early on and the major issues he had because of Diabetes late in life with his health leading up to losing part of his leg to it and many other issues, Now I have a Uncle that recently was diagnosed with it but through diet, exercise and weight loss we hope he will beat it. I know some are not as lucky and are born with it and no possibility yet of not being diabetic. I hope though more research and advancement and most of all knowledge and action something more will be able to be done for people.

I am riding because the American Diabetes Association’s Tour de Cure is so much
more than a cycling event to me. It is my opportunity to change the future and
make a positive impact in the lives of those who are affected by

I am committed to ride and raise money in this inspirational
event not because 26 million people in the United States have diabetes, but
because I personally know some of them, and I want to do something about it.
Won’t you help me start a chain reaction?

Chances are, you also know
someone who has been affected by diabetes and you already know how important it
is to stop this disease. By making a donation on my behalf or by joining my
team, you will be helping the Association provide community-based education
programs, protect the rights of people with diabetes and fund critical research
for a cure.

With your help, we will fight for a future where a parent
does not have to hear that their child has diabetes. A future where an adult
does not have to face the uncertain times ahead after receiving a diabetes
diagnosis. A future where you and I will know that we had a part in making this

I truly appreciate your support. Together we can Stop Diabetes

Click the link below for info on how to ride and to donate and other great information.


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